Heartbroken Cat Waits For His Owner’s Return After He Abandoned Him

Heartbroken Cat Waits For His Owner’s Return After He Abandoned Him

Heartbroken Cat Waits For His Owner’s Return After He Abandoned Him

Heartbroken Cat Waits For His Owner’s Return After He Abandoned HimHeartbroken Cat Waits For His Owner’s Return After He Abandoned Him

I believe most of you have heard of, or even watched, the movie called Hachiko… I barely even saw the movie considering how much I cried. 

The movie is about an Akita Inu dog who goes to the train station every day, waiting for his owner’s return from work. However, the harsh truth was that the owner had passed away.

A similar story follows this poor kitty, and it immediately reminded me of this movie. I would say that this cat is the Hachiko of the felines. However, the story of this kitty is a bit different.

An abandoned cat waited in the same spot, every day, for a whole year, for its owner to come back.

Cat parenting is a lifetime commitment, but it looks like not everyone takes that role seriously, at least not this person who abandoned this cat.

cat on the streetcat on the street
Photo from: dailymail.co.uk

People suddenly started noticing a cat that would come to the same spot every day and just lie there for the whole day. At first, some people thought that it was a stray cat, but something felt different about it.

The cat’s photograph appeared for the first time by user Ostap Zadunayskiy. No one knew whose cat it was. What interested everyone the most was that the cat wouldn’t do anything else, but just wait there for something.

Some people thought that the cat was probably waiting for its owner. But, little did they know that this kitty was heartbroken and hopelessly waiting for its owner’s return, not knowing that they won’t come back, ever again.

The poor kitty quickly started gaining popularity. People would take pictures of it, and feed it, but the cat didn’t seem interested. Of course, that’s because the cat had one wish only – to see its owner and go home. 

cat outside on the floorcat outside on the floor
Photo from: dailymail.co.uk

After the cat’s pictures went viral, people started looking for the answer. Luckily, Zadunayskiy found out the whole truth and decided to share it with the rest of us. 

Apparently, this kitty wasn’t a stray cat. Once, it had a beautiful and loving family, all until they got other priorities. Locals told Zadunayskiy what they knew about the cat.

The owner was living in the area where a cat was sitting every day, but when the owner had to move out, he decided to leave the cat alone and just vanish. Some of them have even seen the cat running after its owners when they drove off.

When I found out the truth, my heart literally broke into pieces. How can someone do such a thing to their beloved cat? 

I mean, there were many different options, and he chose the cruelest one? First of all, I could never leave my fur babies like that. 

If I ever had to leave them, I would try to have them adopted and make sure they have good lives and that they would be taken good care of. But, this? No, you can’t do this…

cat standing still outdoorcat standing still outdoor
Photo from: dailymail.co.uk

Still, this cat shows how cats and other animals are much better than humans; they have huge hearts. The cat still believed that its owner loved it and that he’d come back. So, the cat waited every day, in the same spot, for over a year…

Just think about how loyal this cat was and how much it cared about its owner. It’s remarkable and sad at the same time. 

Unfortunately, the owner never returned for his cat, and after over a year, the cat just disappeared. I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that someone was good enough to take this beautiful cat in and provide it with the love and affection that it deserves.

On the other hand, there were people who thought that this story wasn’t real and that it was just some stray cat who came there every day because locals fed it. 

cat on the parking lotcat on the parking lot
Photo from: dailymail.co.uk

What do you think? Is this story real or not? I believe it’s real because there are many cruel owners and I’ve seen horrible ones with my own eyes. 

Such people don’t really deserve to be loved by our furry friends because pets have feelings too. So, let’s try to be more humane and more affectionate towards these beautiful animals.


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