How A Stray Cat Chased Down A Woman And Secured Herself A Forever Home

How A Stray Cat Chased Down A Woman And Secured Herself A Forever Home

How A Stray Cat Chased Down A Woman And Secured Herself A Forever Home

How A Stray Cat Chased Down A Woman And Secured Herself A Forever HomeHow A Stray Cat Chased Down A Woman And Secured Herself A Forever Home

The well-known cat distribution system works in mysterious ways. How these precious strays choose us will forever fascinate me. 

When Charlie opened up a small animal sanctuary in her local community, she also opened her heart to many stray cats in her area.

She would visit all her strays on a daily basis, to make sure they remain healthy and their tummies are full. However, one of the ginger cats had a hidden agenda.

cat running in the streetcat running in the street
Credit: Instagram

Figuring out that Charlie is a loving human, a ginger named Annie decided she’s had enough of the street life. Therefore, Annie waited for the purr-fect moment to continue with her plan. 

Charlie herself was surprised how well-behaved Annie was, as she recalls:

“When I first met Annie, she was one of the friendliest strays I think I’ve ever found.”

stray catstray cat
Credit: Instagram

Specifically, Annie waited for Charlie to finish up her visit to the area. Once Charlie made sure all the strays were happy, she jumped in her car ready to go home. Only this time she wasn’t going alone. 

Annie, the ginger plotter, started chasing Charlie’s car as fast as her little paws allowed her to. Facing such a chase down for the first time ever, Charlie said:

“I have actually never had a stray follow me or my car anywhere!”

hand holding cat's pawhand holding cat's paw
Credit: Instagram

Without a second thought, Charlie knew she needed to take her home to her sanctuary. Annie was welcomed and comforted on the first night by Charlie’s pittie named Cali, which she fondly remembered in one of her Instagram posts:

“Cali was the first to comfort Annie on her first night here and Annie certainly never forgot.”

ginger cat and a dogginger cat and a dog
Credit: Instagram

Once Annie settled down in the sanctuary, Charlie noticed that this former stray had a useful “talent”.

 Since Charlie’s sanctuary was also taking care of kittens without a mom, preparing them for future adoption, Annie quickly decided to assist Charlie with all the hard work.

cat bottle fedcat bottle fed
Credit: Instagram

She started grooming the little kittens and soon acquired a new nickname by the volunteers: Nannie Annie. She took the role of a surrogate mom to three kittens: Dolores, Mumu, and Remi.

two cats playingtwo cats playing
Credit: Instagram

However, the most useful talent our little Nannie Annie had was to alarm Charlie when the kittens were hungry. She would pick them up by the neck and bring them in front of Charlie. 

Having such instincts as a surrogate mother was out of the ordinary. As Charlie claimed:

“She’s just got such incredible motherly instincts. She does not leave their side. Annie is not producing milk but the kittens are always stretched out on her anyway.”

cat and kittens lyingcat and kittens lying
Credit: Instagram

After Dolores, Mumu, and Remi grew up, Charlie thought that Annie would help her raise more kittens. Despite her remarkable talent, Annie missed her freedom.

So she resigned her position at the sanctuary as a surrogate mom and decided it’s time for new adventures.

During summer she started roaming the neighborhood and enjoyed the nice weather in their area. Then again, once winter came Annie knew where to go. As Charlie said:

“In the winter she chooses to come and snuggle in my bed with me and I do not mind having her for half the year!”

cat and kitten on grasscat and kitten on grass
Credit: Instagram

We all know just how smart our little furr companions are, but Annie sure did surprise us. Furthermore, maybe the cat distribution system strikes you the same way and you get to experience your own paw-chase down!

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