Meet Wobbles, The Hangriest Feline In All Of Missouri

Meet Wobbles, The Hangriest Feline In All Of Missouri

Meet Wobbles, The Hangriest Feline In All Of Missouri

Meet Wobbles, The Hangriest Feline In All Of MissouriMeet Wobbles, The Hangriest Feline In All Of Missouri

I’m sure we’re all familiar with the iconic “You’re not you when you’re hungry” Snickers campaign. 

However, I didn’t truly understand the depth of that statement until a unique kitty entered my online world.

One night, as I was scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled upon a video of a special needs feline enthusiastically devouring her meal. The star of the show was Wobbles, and her remarkable story is about to unfold!

Wobbles is a Missouri-based feline who shares her life with her foster mom Kelly Manno, a cofounder of Smelly Cat Rescue. She came into Kelly’s life as a ten-week-old kitten and quickly captured her heart. 

Contrary to what you may think, her name is not a mere coincidence. Wobbles was born with cerebellar hypoplasia, a developmental condition also known as the “wobbly cat syndrome.” 

This condition results from incomplete development of the cerebellum, the part of the brain responsible for motor skills, coordination, and balance.

tiny kitten playing on the floortiny kitten playing on the floor
Credit: Kelly Manno

Cerebellar hypoplasia usually occurs when a pregnant cat contracts the feline panleukopenia virus which targets rapidly dividing cells. 

This virus can infect only one kitten in a litter or, in some cases, all littermates. Wobbles, having four littermates all suffering from cerebellar hypoplasia, remained the sole survivor.

Despite her unfortunate circumstances, Wobbles is one happy kitty with an exuberant zest for life – and apparently a voracious appetite! 

In a recently shared video, her foster mom Kelly posted on Instagram, Wobbles is seen transforming from a sweet, innocent kitty into a ferocious, hangry beast! 

No doubt about it: Wobbles is, hands down, the hangriest feline in all of Missouri! Don’t believe me? Well, see it for yourself:

In the video, Kelly humorously questions whether she’s dealing with a kitten or a baby velociraptor.

While she may not exactly resemble a small dromaeosaurid dinosaur, she’s undeniably the most endearing wobbly kitten you’ll ever encounter!

Kelly also mentions how Wobbles is generally a true sweetheart. However, once it’s mealtime, she turns into a completely different cat.

woman behind the cat who eats meatwoman behind the cat who eats meat
Credit: Kelly Manno

Sometimes, felines with cerebellar hypoplasia are only moderately wobbly, but in Wobbles’ case, this condition is unfortunately on the severe side. 

However, there’s no need to fret! Even though Wobbles has been dealt a bad set of cards, she’s a resilient fighter! 

With some simple adjustments to accommodate her unique needs and the devoted care of her foster mom Kelly, she can enjoy a long and happy life!

kitty being dragged by human handkitty being dragged by human hand
Credit: Kelly Manno

From a young age, Wobbles underwent various physical therapies. Kelly made it her mission to ensure her beloved furball had everything necessary for a fulfilling feline life.

As Smelly Cat Rescue shared:

“Kelly and her brother have done an amazing job caring for her (Wobbles), creating devices that help her live a better life, and have done physical therapy that has helped improve her wobbly ways.”

I think we can all agree that anytime a cat has to deal with any medical condition, it’s crucial she has a good and dedicated owner by her side, willing to provide her with proper care.

Fortunately, our feisty Wobbles crossed paths with one such compassionate human: Kelly!

dog cuddling with kittydog cuddling with kitty
Credit: Kelly Manno

I hope this story inspires you to consider adopting special needs felines. As Wobbles has proven, these kitties can be equally loving and fun, bringing immense joy to their owners. 

Never forget that every feline is purrfect in its own unique way – no matter how wobbly and hangry they might be!

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