Hairless Pup Never Thought He’d Find Love Until He Met His New Family

Hairless Pup Never Thought He’d Find Love Until He Met His New Family

Never in his wildest dreams could Piccolo imagine how his life would change.

He was a hairless, stray pup who thought nobody would ever notice him, let alone lend him a helping hand.

Day after day, he scavenged for scraps of food on the streets, struggling to survive.

Though his heart yearned for human love, he didn’t dare hope that someone would give him a second chance at life.

Then, when he least expected it, destiny sent him a surprise in the form of good-hearted humans.

Image Source: Muttville Senior Dog Rescue via The Dodo

The Opportunity to Turn His Life Around

When the rescuers at Compassion Without Borders, a charity organization, came across the hairless, stray dog, they didn’t hesitate to scoop him up and bring him to safety. Since he was a senior dog, they placed him in the care of Muttville Senior Dog Rescue in San Francisco, California.

The pooch, later named Piccolo, immediately captivated the hearts of the shelter staff, who showered him with love and attention.

Image Source: Muttville Senior Dog Rescue via The Dodo

“I was at Muttville the day after Piccolo arrived in San Francisco. He was called Chester while with CWOB. Poor boy, he sure suffered on his own down there. He had hardly any hair and his skin must have hurt, yet he was sweet and seemed to know that all of us were here to help,” Patty Stanton at Muttville Senior Dog Rescue told The Dodo.

Piccolo soaked in all the cuddles his shelter friends gave him, gratefully accepting their help.

No one knew how long Piccolo had lived on his own or how long he had suffered from his skin condition. At ten years old, the staff didn’t expect his fur to grow back.

But with medicine and the shelter staff’s love and support, Piccolo began his journey to recovery. As time passed, he started feeling better and enjoyed going on walks.

Image Source: Muttville Senior Dog Rescue via The Dodo

Piccolo Finds His Place Under the Sun

Around this time, a wonderful family was searching for a dog to adopt. One day, while browsing the shelter’s website, Piccolo’s profile caught their eye. His adorable eyes melted their hearts, and they knew they had to give him a forever home.

Image Source: Muttville Senior Dog Rescue via The Dodo

Piccolo’s new family was committed to loving him, even if his fur never grew back. The doggo was overjoyed when he moved in with his humans. He loved the toys and soft blankets they bought him.

His forever family showered him with a ton of love, trying to make up for all the time he spent living as a lonely stray. Piccolo felt adored and couldn’t believe how his life had transformed.

Image Source: Muttville Senior Dog Rescue via The Dodo

Although Piccolo barely had any fur, he didn’t mind. He loved wearing fashionable sweaters his family dressed him in, embracing his new stylish look.

A New Chapter of Adventures

The senior canine quickly took to going on adventures with his new family. His humans were thrilled to provide him with a life filled with the love he deserved. Piccolo especially enjoyed lying on blankets by the heater, his favorite spot in the house.

The stray pup who once thought happiness was out of reach was now a dog living his best life.

I’m deeply thankful to Piccolo’s heroes for rescuing him from the uncertain life on the streets and giving him the chance to find his happy ending.

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