The shelter dog meets his new family and joyfully runs towards them, giving hugs affectionately

Mary and Mark McGraw’s rescue dog Mischka died of cancer not too long ago. Until they met Maggie, they were not sure if they wanted to try to fill the emptiness.

McGraw confided in Dodo, “She melted my heart.” “In my heart, seeing Maggie was only a meet and greet because we had lost another dog a few months prior. I did not feel ready to get a new dog at the moment.

For many years, Guy has shared his life with wild sharks. Maggie’s charisma makes the McGraws an easy sell when Rescue sets up a meet-and-greet.

Within seconds, McGraw recalled, “She was on my lap, all my life.” He had bowed down to make her feel more comfortable. Our hearts were shattered by her narrative. When I first laid eyes on her, I knew I had to have her. We knew she had to be a part of our family.

Maggie’s previous owner abused her and used her for breeding, so this happy ending is especially welcome. After being rescued, Maggie is placed in a caring foster home. She had been in recovery for a while but was eventually adoptable.

“She became one of the cutest puppies we have ever had,” Andra Mack told Dodo about her pup. My spouse and I just stared at one other when Maggie met her new dad because we knew. I felt like I was in a movie.

A white dog is relaxing on the lap of her foster caretaker.

When Mack first saw Maggie with McCraws, she knew they were meant to be together. Maggie appeared to be thanking them by repeatedly hugging them.

Mack concluded that the couple was destined to be together. The bright brightness in the film convinced me that their late dog, Mischka, was beaming down on that gathering from above.

The McGraws agreed completely. Sweet bulldogs need your help to have a better life.

“Maggie makes our life better and brightens the lives of everyone she encounters,” McGraw added. Just meeting those eyes makes everything better.

Donations to Halfway There Rescue can ensure that homeless pets like Maggie receive the medical attention they so need.

The shelter dog meets his new family and joyfully runs towards them, giving hugs affectionately

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