Woman Taken by Ambulance and Her Dog’s Reaction Hits Deep in the Heart

Woman Taken by Ambulance and Her Dog’s Reaction Hits Deep in the Heart

People often say that dogs are humans’ best friends and will follow their owners anywhere. This sentiment was vividly demonstrated by a Golden Retriever when his owner collapsed on the street and had to be taken away by an ambulance.

The worried dog stayed by his owner’s side the whole time and naturally tried to get into the ambulance with her.

However, dogs are not allowed in ambulances. So, the Golden Retriever was held back and had to watch the doors close from the outside.


As the ambulance started to weave through city traffic, the paramedics were stunned to see the Golden Retriever in the rearview mirror.

With ears flapping in the wind, he ran as fast as he could to follow the ambulance. His only goal was to stay close to his owner.

The loyal dog mustered all his strength and endurance, achieving the seemingly impossible – he kept up with the ambulance for the entire journey.

Finally, the ambulance arrived at the hospital, with the dog still trailing behind. But the Golden Retriever’s relief was short-lived – he was not allowed to enter the hospital.

His owner was taken inside by the paramedics, and the dog had to wait outside.


With the same perseverance he had shown while running, the dog sat in front of the hospital door, waiting for his beloved owner to come out.

A Love Without Limits

The heartwarming video spread across the internet, touching viewers worldwide. Many subscribers of the YouTube channel Dylan_Anderson expressed their sympathy and admiration for the dog.


Nathan Arivlies commented, “Poor little guy. Hopefully, they are happy, healthy, and most importantly, reunited.”

Anthony Wayne remarked, “There is no greater loyalty on this earth than that of a dog to its human.”

Michael Le Sueur noted, “Dogs are so much more loyal than humans. They are faithful until they die.”

Let your heart be touched by the boundless love of this dog:



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