Dog Hides in Corner After Being Dragged to Shelter and Refuses to Engage with Anyone

Dog Hides in Corner After Being Dragged to Shelter and Refuses to Engage with Anyone

When Piper, a terrified and skittish dog, was abandoned on someone’s property, she was taken to a shelter.

The traumatized pup cowered in a corner, refusing to interact with anyone. Mady, a dedicated volunteer, spent 30 minutes trying to coax Piper out of her hiding spot, but the frightened dog wouldn’t budge.

Realizing the shelter environment was too overwhelming for Piper, Mady posted on the foster page, seeking a temporary home for the scared pup.



A foster family, Angela and Courtney, stepped up to help Piper. When they arrived at the shelter, Piper was still too scared to move, and a shelter worker had to carry her out of her kennel.

As they tried to leave the shelter, Piper became even more terrified, backing herself into a corner.

Eventually, they managed to get her outside, where she immediately sought a hiding spot behind a cat carrier.



Once they brought Piper home, she darted into the bathroom, still fearful of her new surroundings.

However, when Angela and Courtney introduced their other dogs to Piper, she began to show signs of improvement.

She stood up and wagged her tail. Within an hour of being in her new home, Piper started to transform.



Over the next month, Piper slowly began to trust her foster family. She would take treats from their hands and even allowed them to pet her.

As she became more comfortable, Piper began to enjoy her newfound freedom, love, and regular meals. One day, she even climbed onto the couch, a clear sign that she trusted her foster family.

Seeing the incredible progress Piper had made, Courtney told Angela that she wanted to keep her permanently.

But did Angela agree? You have to watch the video to find out! Thanks to fosters like Angela and Courtney and wonderful volunteers like Mady, dogs like Piper have a chance at a happy, beautiful life!


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