Dog Who Was Abused Deserves Every Moment Of His Healing Bath

If anybody deserves a nice, soothing bath, it’s Rudy the Pit Bull. He came at a New York City shelter in November after being discovered discarded in a plastic pail in poor health. He hardly had any hair and his skin was ravaged with severe scars possibly from being burnt with battery acid and multiple cigarette burns.

He also could not walk due of a badly fractured front leg. To add to his already poor state, he has Cushings Disease that remained undiagnosed.

The municipal shelter phoned the Northeast branch of Special Needs Animal Rescue Rehabilitation (SNARR) for aid and its director, Courtney Bellew rescued him. Although, Courtney is accustomed to caring for seriously sick animals, witnessing Rudy shattered her heart. She told the Huffington Post that his front leg was in such horrible health, she declined to photograph it.

Rudy was devastated emotionally as well. “It is a wonder this shattered youngster survived,” the organization posted on Facebook. “Other than being absolutely afraid and wary of a nice human touch, Rudy was appreciative and nothing but a lovebug from the minute we rescued him.”

One thing that has benefited Rudy considerably are medicated baths.

The organization uploaded a video of Rudy taking one of his special spa treatments, which are helping his skin and fur repair.

Luckily, his foster parents are veterinarians and can give him all the medical care he needs while he recovers. They also have a lovely New England farm house where his soul may mend and he’s surrounded by affection. His days are full with friends: youngsters, dogs, cats and barn animals like Harold the lamb.

“Rudy’s eyes are full with love and optimism and he has a way of catching your heart immediately when he looks at you,” Courtney told HuffPost. “He has always liked being doted on and still does now, as you observed with his spa treatments. I’m simply so thrilled we are able to offer him a decent life.”

And they continued to show him a good life right up until his passing. In an addendum to the original article above, I’ve discovered Rudy has recently gone away due to difficulties with his spinal illness. SNARR and his foster family lavished Rudy as much as they possibly could before he went away. I’m happy that Rudy was able to enjoy his last months surrounded by affection.

Follow the excellent rescue work SNARR undertakes on their Facebook page.

Please share Rudy’s story with your friends in honour of this courageous, loving pooch!

Watch the video below:

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